[m2e-wtp-dev] New JPA configurator in latest m2e-wtp dev build
Fred Bricon
2013-01-21 21:10:52 UTC

I've published the dev builds containing the JPA configurator contributed
by JBoss Tools. It's available as an optional feature from these p2 update
sites* :
Kepler : *http://download.eclipse.org/m2e-wtp/snapshots/kepler/*
Juno : *http://download.eclipse.org/m2e-wtp/snapshots/juno/*

If a maven project contains a persistence.xml, the JPA Facet will be
automatically applied during m2e's project configuration, using the
"Discover annotated classes automatically" setting. Any existing JPA
configuration will be untouched.

The Juno / Kepler fork is necessary because of breaking changes in the Dali
(transitional) APIs.

The JPA feature is maintained in a separate repository (
http://git.eclipse.org/c/m2e-wtp/org.eclipse.m2e.wtp.jpa.git/), to minimize
maintenance overhead on the core features.
The master branch holds the kepler compatible bits, the juno branch, well
... you guessed it :)

* Please note these dev update sites link to the latest m2e 1.3 dev build.
Although m2e-wtp should work well with m2e 1.1+, 1.3 brings significant
enhancements in the project conversion to Maven area.


Fred Bricon
"Have you tried turning it off and on again" - The IT Crowd